Posts made in October 2017

Things to Consider Before Buying Furniture – Pt. II

Texas fine furniturePreviously, we shared some questions to ask yourself before purchasing a new piece of furniture. Keep reading for the conclusion of our list.

How many people do you need to accommodate?
How many guests do you need to seat comfortably at dinnertime? Do you host dinner parties often? While you’ll want to have a table that is pleasing to the eye and compliments your existing décor, selecting one that is practical and functional is just as important. A beautiful table will become less attractive quite quickly if it cannot meet your needs.

Will you still like it in years to come?
You may be immediately drawn to a beautiful piece you found in a showroom, but are your tastes likely to change? Will you love your new table or media console just as much in a year from now? If you relocate, is your selection versatile enough to be appropriate for a new home? It’s best to keep looking until you’ve found a piece you will still love in the years to come.

What is covered in the warranty?
While shopping for Texas fine furniture, be sure to ask specific questions regarding the warranty on your selection. It’s important to know what exactly is and is not covered, as well as how long the warranty lasts.

Things to Consider Before Buying Furniture – Pt. I

custom furniture Austin TXPurchasing a new piece of furniture can be a big investment. The perfect new dining table or coffee table should last for many years, compliment your existing décor, be an appropriate size for your space, and also be functional. Whether you’re seeking a piece of custom furniture in Austin, TX or have your eye on an existing piece, there are some important things to consider before you buy. We gathered a list of questions to ask yourself before purchasing a new piece of furniture.

What is your budget?
As we discussed in a previous post, investing in high-quality furniture is smart because it will last longer. However, if you cannot afford to spend thousands on a custom dining table, keep that in mind and look only within your means.

Does it fit in the room?Measure your room before starting your search for a new piece of furniture. It may seem obvious, but it’s easy to become attached to a beautiful find that is otherwise perfect, thus causing you to overlook issues such as this.

Will it fit through the doorway?
Solid wood furniture can’t be disassembled like store brand furniture. While it may fit in your space, be sure to measure your doorway so you can be sure your new selection will fit through it.